Employee Engagement... the Hottest Buzzwords in Business.
But How Do You Do That?
Key Drivers of Employee Engagement:
Let's be clear on this: Most will agree that there is no “one true list” of engagement factors since different factors matter more to certain individuals than others. This is where assessments can help - by uncovering what matters most to each individual.
Help your clients improve employee engagement so that they can enjoy higher company morale and increased productivity.
Are you challenged by one of the following:
How to minimize disengaged employees who do just the bare minimum.
About the specific factors that lead to having engaged employees.
About the degree of emotional commitment an employee has to his/her job and the organization as a whole.
We Help You Find Clarity:
On how to enable employees to "go the extra mile” for their company.
How to raise employee engagement that impacts the entire performance of the company.
Profitability, productivity, employee retention and customer satisfaction are some of the most common benefits correlated to higher engagement scores. Now it's your turn to deliver these results to your client.
TTI Talent Insights® in Employee Engagement
This tool measures 4 core behavioral characteristics and 12 Driving Forces®.
Drivers play a key role in employee engagement; arguably the most important. Talent Insights uncovers a person’s “how” and “why” by analyzing natural and adapted behavioral factors and the things that drives the person to action every day.
Understanding how people prefer to behave and communicate is a good first step to understanding how to engage them. The idea of using a drivers profile to help leaders understand and how to adapt their leadership style in order to create the right kind of environment for their team members.
The Talent Insights report results can be used to help create an environment where each team member's behavioral strengths are given the opportunity to flourish.
TriMetrix® EQ in Employee Engagement
This tool measures 4 core behavioral characteristics, 12 Driving Forces. and 5 core dimensions of Emotional Intelligence.
The TriMetrix EQ reveals an individual’s emotional intelligence, along with their behaviors and drivers by analyzing three unique sciences (EQ, DISC, 12 Driving Forces). A person's immediate manager has the most direct impact on their engagement, performance and well being. Team members that work for emotionally intelligent leaders are far more willing to pursue goals beyond what's required or expected of them.
Training in EQ helps leaders and teams become more aware of the best ways to communicate and interact with each other.