Entry Level, or Executive Position... The Structure is Similar - You, Providing The Level of Detail Makes All The Difference.
We Help You Make A Difference:
Save thousands by avoiding the cost of a bad hire. The following solutions are designed to help you find their “perfect match” in the most efficient way.
You may be overwhelmed by one or more of the following challenges:
With the big picture and how this new role contributes to the organization's goals
With what the new person is supposed to do specifically
On how to structure the job ad that attracts the best people
Let Us Provide You Clarity:
On the hiring process. Guide them with a clearly defined process
By guiding them to ask the right questions during each stage of the interviews
On how to select and compare the best applicants specifically

TTI Talent Insights® in Recruitment & Selection
This tool measures 4 core behavioral characteristics and 12 Driving Forces®.
Talent Insights uncovers a person’s “how” and “why” by analyzing natural and adapted behavioral factors and the things that motivate the person to action every day. It gives the hiring manager additional information about a candidate’s natural behavioral tendencies for dealing with people and tasks as well as their drivers.
Drivers are often described as the most important part of job performance because without any underlying passion it's hard to stay motivated. This profile helps select a candidate with the right behavioral and motivational-fit.
TriMetrix® DNA in Recruitment & Selection
This tool measures 25 competencies or soft skills, 4 core behavioral characteristics and 12 Driving Forces.
TriMetrix DNA uncovers a person’s 25 job-related skills in combination with their behaviors and drivers. The advantage of the DNA profile is that it allows hiring managers to quickly assess the level of mastery of a large number of competencies and whether each skillsis either crucial, important, or somewhat important to job performance.
This multi-science report provide better options for selecting/recruiting, more comprehensive information, and more “ah-ha” moments.